2016 Scholarship Recipients

Anonymous '18

Receiving the Berkeley Club of Korea Alumni Scholarship has not only reduced my financial burdens, but has allowed me extra time to focus on pursuing my dreams. Without The Berkeley Club of Korea’s generous support, my path to pursuing higher education would have been very difficult.

Ho Jong “Arthur” Kang '20

My name is Ho Jong “Arthur” Kang. Upon graduating from Brent International School Manila, Philippines, I began my studies at UC Berkeley with an intended major in Computer Science. My life journey first embarks in Korea, where I lived up until Grade 4, and then in the Philippines until my high school graduation. I currently live in Berkeley, California in the United States.

After experiencing numerous cultures from different countries and meeting a myriad of people, I grew to realize the importance of communication and have gained a respect for diversity. Thus, I began to notice the focus of our society shift from manufacturing to information, and as such, I believe that Computer Science has become a core field of study. Amidst all of these technological advancements, I feel that data is pivotal in allowing for effective communication, and that is why I became interested in the subject.

I aspire to major in Computer Science for this reason, as I believe that this subject allows for effective organization and distribution of data, and in doing so, recreates our understanding of the world. Computer Science is a creative study that can significantly contribute to the welfare of human society - something that I aim to achieve.

Our future awaits a plethora of dramatic changes such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Nonetheless, I affirm that development of civilization shouldn’t be about convenience and the profit of a minority but rather be about the people and collaboration.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to The Berkeley Club of Korea for demonstrating humanism through this scholarship.