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News from the University of California, Berkeley
Updated: 56 min 47 sec ago

Newest admits are whip-smart and speak more than 20 languages

Mon., 2019-07-22 10:00am
New admissions data paints a picture of the 2019 first-year and transfer admits

Berkeley Talks: Joel Moskowitz on the health risks of cell phone radiation

Fri., 2019-07-19 04:45pm
Moskowitz, the director of UC Berkeley’s Center for Family and Community Health at the School of Public Health, says research suggests that radio frequency radiation is carcinogenic to humans.

Former Watergate prosecutor: Impeachment not in Trump’s future

Fri., 2019-07-19 10:18am
Henry Hecht, who wound up as the longest-serving attorney on the Watergate prosecutor's team, doesn't see Donald Trump suffering Richard Nixon's fate.

Madam Ambassador: The unusual trip from Barbados to Berkeley to Brazil

Thu., 2019-07-18 04:00pm
Tonika Sealy-Thompson's journey to a Berkeley Ph.D. was interrupted by her appointment as Barbados' ambassador to Brazil

I’m a Berkeleyan: Dance lecturer Latanya Tigner: ‘African American dance is ethnic dance’

Wed., 2019-07-17 02:15pm
Tigner, a lecturer in the Department of Theater, Dance and Performance Studies, teaches a class called “African Dance in Hip-Hop” which explores how African dance forms are found in hip-hop movement and African American social dance forms throughout the ages.

Berkeley stands out in newest university world reputation rankings

Wed., 2019-07-17 11:38am
World's researchers recognize Berkeley's top reputation

‘This base is going to blow sky high.’ Port Chicago, 75 years later

Wed., 2019-07-17 09:15am
Newly released recordings from Oral History Center shed light on disaster

Cycle of life comes with gold medals and world records for Berkeley Law dean

Tue., 2019-07-16 12:54pm
Molly Van Houweling continues to balance life at Berkeley Law with a record-setting pace on cycling track

Eighth CRISPR patent issued by U.S.; seven more soon to come

Tue., 2019-07-16 08:00am
UC's portfolio of patents for the use of CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing will soon grow to 15

David Barstow to lead Berkeley’s investigative journalism program

Mon., 2019-07-15 03:51pm
David Barstow has written about Trump, Wal-Mart and other topics

Berkeley takes home five higher ed sustainability awards

Fri., 2019-07-12 04:30pm
From a curriculum with solutions for a sustainable future to a campaign to create an herbicide-free UC, Berkeley's work shined at the annual California Higher Education Sustainability Conference.

Berkeley Talks: What can be done to protect pollinators

Thu., 2019-07-11 05:00pm
In this episode of Just Food, a podcast by the Berkeley Food Institute, experts discuss what farms can do in response to dwindling bee populations.

Fuel surplus could cause another destructive wildfire season

Thu., 2019-07-11 04:14pm
Berkeley professor of fire science Scott Stephens says 2019's heavy rains have left grasslands more susceptible to large wildfires

What happens when you explode a chemical bond?

Thu., 2019-07-11 09:00am
New attosecond laser technique yields movie of chemical bond after absorbing light and just before it blows apart

Lyons named Berkeley’s first chief innovation and entrepreneurship officer

Wed., 2019-07-10 04:44pm
Former dean at Berkeley Haas Rich Lyons is being tasked with expanding innovation and entrepreneurship on campus

Publisher Elsevier halts UC’s access to new articles

Wed., 2019-07-10 11:00am
But UC Berkeley Library can connect readers with what they need

Former Haas dean named new campus innovation officer

Tue., 2019-07-09 09:38am
Lyons will will develop and communicate Berkeley’s rich portfolio of innovation and entrepreneurship

Four Berkeley satellites could be exploring Mars and Earth by 2022

Tue., 2019-07-09 08:50am
Scientists and engineers at the Space Sciences Laboratory are building instruments for two NASA missions, each involving twin satellites

Staffer’s search for birth mom reveals dark history of Guatemalan adoption

Mon., 2019-07-08 05:00pm
Gemma Givens, who manages the Host Family Program at UC Berkeley's International House, talks about how her need to know where she came from would inspire her to create an international community of Guatemalan adoptees

Nine young professors receive Presidential Early Career Awards

Mon., 2019-07-08 04:35pm
White House announcement highlights the role played by nation's early-career scientists and engineers
