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News from the University of California, Berkeley
Updated: 1 hour 30 min ago

Mortgage industry is back on shaky ground, experts warn

Mon., 2018-04-02 10:00am
A boom in lightly regulated nonbank mortgage companies since the last crash makes the market more vulnerable

Grad Slam: Making the case for your research

Mon., 2018-04-02 10:00am
Competition helps students hone their skill at presenting their work to the world — and to people who might support it

Cosmic lens helps Hubble capture most distant star ever seen

Mon., 2018-04-02 09:58am
Gravitational lensing by sun-like star in massive cluster reveals blue supergiant from 9 billion light years away

Former Brazilian president to address challenges to democracy

Sun., 2018-04-01 05:00pm
Dilma Rousseff, an economist and former president of Brazil, will be a guest of the Center for Latin American Studies at UC Berkeley

From pollution cleanup to building houses, what can’t mushrooms do?

Thu., 2018-03-29 03:00pm
There are more than 5 million species of fungi, and each one likes a particular food — some like sawdust; others like plastic; some can even digest heavy metals

Berkeley offers its fastest-growing course – data science – online, for free

Thu., 2018-03-29 12:00pm
Data science is increasingly popular at Berkeley because the world is increasingly data-driven

Eating out increases exposure to harmful phthalates

Thu., 2018-03-29 11:40am
People who ate fast food in the previous 24 hours had phthalate levels nearly 40 percent higher than people who ate home-cooked meals

Chancellor lays out her priorities for Cal Athletics

Thu., 2018-03-29 07:00am
In response to a new report on Cal Athletics’ finances, and a set of recommendations, the chancellor sent a message to the campus community

Poor grades tied to class times that don’t match our biological clocks

Thu., 2018-03-29 06:00am
Schedules of night owls, morning larks and daytime finches may predict their educational outcomes

Land degradation pushing planet towards sixth mass extinction

Wed., 2018-03-28 05:00pm
A landmark new report shows the threats and costs from human misuse of lands

Ph.Ds. learn how to tug at federal purse strings

Wed., 2018-03-28 05:00pm
Students learned skills for communicating with policymakers to help secure research funding

Campanile bell to toll April 4 for Martin Luther King Jr.

Wed., 2018-03-28 05:00pm
Bells across the nation will ring 39 times on the 50th anniversary of MLK's assassination.

Why some people are selling their cars and renting their neighbors’

Wed., 2018-03-28 02:48pm
Peer-to-peer car sharing services are making a small dent in car ownership, a new survey from UC Berkeley shows

Tarnopolsky stepping down at Cal Performances

Tue., 2018-03-27 11:11am
After nine seasons at Berkeley, he is taking over as president and CEO of the Philadelphia Orchestra

First-ever nuclear reactor monitor will boost neutrino physics

Tue., 2018-03-27 06:00am
Designed for non-proliferation monitoring, the Watchman project will test new technologies for next-generation neutrino detectors

Flash-in-the-pan supernovas explained

Mon., 2018-03-26 11:34am
New observations confirm UC Berkeley model of unusual supernova created when stellar material collides with shell sloughed off earlier

Abused as a puppy, UC Berkeley’s new police dog finds second life on campus

Mon., 2018-03-26 11:29am
Canine Officer Obi, a 14-month-old Springer Spaniel, started work last month as UC Berkeley's new bomb-detecting dog

Atomically thin light emitting device opens the possibility for ‘invisible’ displays

Mon., 2018-03-26 08:53am
Tiny device makes possible light displays that are completely transparent when turned off.

Celebrating 150 years of UC and of Berkeley, ‘its shining jewel’

Fri., 2018-03-23 04:56pm
Campus leaders, faculty, staff, students and alums celebrate the University of California's 150th birthday

Student: ‘Why I’m traveling across the country to March for Our Lives’

Fri., 2018-03-23 04:19pm
UC Berkeley student Esmeralda Cortez Morales is on her way to Washington, D.C., to take part in a mass march for gun control laws, sparked by the recent massacre at a Florida high school.
