International Alumni Network

Annual General Meeting & BBQ

Annual General Meeting & BBQ

Nov. 22, 2015, 12:00 - 16:00


Venue: VisionCrest Residence, 37 Oxley Rise, Singapore 238712 (view map)

Cost: Free for paid members and their family, $15 for non-members.



Join our Annual General Meeting & BBQ. Since 1983, our club has been the voice for UC Berkeley alumni and friends in Singapore. If you’d like to get involved and share your passion for Cal, please consider serving on our Executive Committee (ExCo). We’ll be hosting a barbeque and holding elections that afternoon. The club’s activities range from social gatherings (happy hours, barbecues), sporting events (mainly viewing Cal athletics), welcoming new alumni to Singapore and other community outreach. We also have great relationships and host get-togethers with other alumni groups in Singapore. In any event, come meet other Cal families and join us for a scrumptious barbecue and Big Game viewing!