Talk & Dinner with Dean Ackerly
Sept. 11, 2024, 17:00 - 20:00
Jakarta, Indonesia
Venue: Tugu Kuntskring Paleis, Menteng, Jakarta 10350 (view map)
Cost: Complimentary
Register here (space is limited)
Join us for a panel discussion on multidisciplinary initiatives in climate, environment, and energy featuring David Ackerly, Dean of Rausser College of Natural Resources, Rachmat Kaimuddin, Deputy Minister for Intrastructure and Transportation Coordination, Fanda Soesilo ‘95, CEO, SUNterra & Sun Mobility Renewable Energy Platform, Alfred Boediman, Co-Founder & Partner Jawara Ventures, and Agus Sari ‘99, CEO, Landscape Indonesia. Opening remarks by Bambang Susantono, M.C.P. ’96, M.S. ’98, Ph.D. ’01, Presidential Special Envoy. The talk will be followed by dinner.
Dress code: Business casual/Batik