
The Berkeley Club of Switzerland is run by dedicated volunteers who are "addicted" to Berkeley in one way or another, placing their professional expertise and diverse areas of interest at the service of the university and fellow Golden Bears. It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that we continue to encourage interested alumni and friends to join us in our activities and efforts.

Executive Committee

Samuel Duc (BCED '02)
Treasurer & Secretary
Urs Huber (M.B.A. '93)
Liaison Officer
Cecilia Mueller-Chen (B.A. Social Sciences and Sociology '93)
Event Director
Zvi Segal (BCED '02)
Recruitment Officer
Najat Ouldali (M.B.A. '15)
VP Suisse Romande
Hind Chemsi (M.B.A. '12)
VP Social Media (LinkedIn)
Judith Kall (Ph.D. French '99)
Event Coordinator
Betty Gerson (M.A. English '67)
Event Coordinator
Kari Gunderson
Event Coordinator
Arthur Krause
Events Coordinator
Daniele Leyendecker (B.A. History of Art '01)